

Hello, my friend.

However you ended up here, I’m grateful that you did, and welcome. Wherever I’m reaching you at this stage of your artist life or business trajectory, it’s precisely where it was meant to happen. 

I serve as a dedicated and focused companion on your journey, providing insights and guidance that will inspire you to move, grow, and keep going, no matter the obstacles. You can be certain that challenges await, and I’m going to train you to be a very worthy adversary. I will challenge you to ask better questions, and to question everything.

Think of our time together here as two old friends sitting around a campfire, having one of those enriching, deep conversations where you feel truly understood, heard, and motivated to take decisive action.

A client once told me that when my work hits its mark, it activates their heart and drive simultaneously, and I make every attempt to always live up to that high aim.

My mission is to empower and sharpen the aim of artists and founders to navigate their journey with clarity, confidence, and purpose. We will fulfill on this mission together.

Reach out to begin.